Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Types of Windows Screens In Most Atlanta Homes

Window screens are perfect for homes who want to have continuous fresh air circulating in the interiors. It is used to keep many things out of the house such as insects, dust, sun rays, and even burglars! When planning to have window screens installed in homes, it is helpful to know the different types.

Solar Window Screens

Solar window screens are designed to keep the unwanted sun rays, as well as, the heat that it brings. It helps keep the home cool, thus saving energy consumption. Solar window screens are also perfect in keeping interior furniture safe from harmful UV rays. The downside with this kind of window screen is that it limits the natural light coming into a home. It is best for houses that lack foliage to keep the heat of the sun out.

Fixed Window Screens

Fixed screens are one of the most common and preferred window screen types. Most households consider this kind of window screens if they simply want fresh air to come into the house without also letting insects. Compared to other types of window screens, fixed ones are easy to install, as well as, affordable. Fixed window screens needs to be taken out from time to time either for cleaning or during winter.

Roll Up - Retractable Window Screens

Roll up or retractable window screens are perfect for homes who do not want permanent window screens installed over their windows. While in use, windows screens can easily block the view of those inside the home. This kind of window screen is perfect for homes who want to view their outdoors from time to time. The retractable roll up type usually has a specialized housing so that the screens roll into it whenever it is not in use. Compared to other window screens, this type is more expensive.

Adjustable Window Screen

This type of window screen is considered to be the easiest to use. There are no tools required in the installation of this kind of screen. Homeowners can simply attach the screen to the window and adjust, according to its height and width. This kind of window screen is often very affordable, though, not as durable to other types.

Security Window Screens

Security window screens are usually made, to act as a way to keep out burglars. Compared to regular bars, which tend to make a home look more like high security prison, window screens can be made to blend into the colors and decoration of a home. Different strong materials are used for security window screens so that it can keep a home safe. Nevertheless, since it requires heavy duty tools for installation, a homeowner may need to get the services of a window screens atlanta installation firm.

Window screens are truly useful for homes that want to achieve fresh air circulation without inviting unwanted insects. It is also useful for keeping out harmful and warm sun rays so that the interior of a home is kept cool. Another great use for window screens is to protect the home from burglars. Knowing the different uses of screens for windows will help homeowners in their choice of installation.

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